UV Sterilization is proven to be the safest and most effective method in preventing and eliminating green water problems in the pond. At the proper size, pond uv sterilizer can also help eliminate parasites and bacteria in their free floating stage. However, it will not kill parasites and bacteria on the fish. It is recommended that pond uv sterilizer should run continuously especially in hot weather where pond directly expose to full sun.
Points to ponder about Pond UV Sterilization
Most effective when run 24/7.
Most effective if the water is clear.
Most effective if bulb is new, or replaced regularly (at least every 6-8 months).
Most effective if the UV light penetrates less than one inch of water.
Effectiveness can be hindered if the water passes to fast past the bulb.
Most effective if the exposure time of the water to the UV light is longer than one second.
The effectiveness of UV light can be hindered if there is light blockage, i.e. a salt encrusted bulb.
It can help to prevent future water borne pathogen reoccurrences, once the initial problem as been completely eradicated from the pond.
UV light not only kills unwanted organisms, but beneficial ones as well.
Should never be run when treating with any drugs or medications.
UV can also alter the structure of some dissolved chemical compounds.
UV light can be damaging to the human eye, so DO NOT look into the bulb.
Always unplug the unit when working on it to prevent possible shock if it breaks or gets wet.